So where did the last nine months go??! That was fast. I am now back in the studio, new mum, new look, fresh start and here we go. How have you all been?
I may not have been as active outwardly but behind the scenes I have been beavering away at the new look of my business. Read more...
It is always a good idea to start the year with expectation and positivity. The future is yet to be written, the past is gone and a new year brings new hope.
May this year be your best year yet.
I love fresh starts, new beginnings, a clean slate; they bring so much joy, anticipation and expectation. Read more...
How to avoid the pitfalls of rebranding, should you find yourself in the position of needing to do a rebrand.
There is a fine art to rebranding, get it wrong and your consumers will lash out (Gap) get it right and you could be one of the best selling brands from the UK (Burberry). Read more...
Its warming up! Make the most of these top tips to help your brand shine.
Graphical elements
In some cases there maybe a graphical element that supports your logo and brand message. The element could be a pattern or a shape that compliments the logo. Read more...
The third edition of our 5 top tips for helping your brand shine.
I want to encourage you to use authentic photos in your promotions. It can be too tempting to use stock photography or even worse (and illegal) use images found during a Google search. Read more...
Be careful what you wish for! I think we all know in business that there are highs and lows, busy times and quiet times, easy times and tough times, but what if all of these come at the same time!
I am coming through just such a season.
The last in our series of 'what you need to know before starting a business'. I hope you have found them useful so far.
Number 3: How will I communicate with my audience? Now you know why you are starting your business and you know who you are adding value to, now to ask the question: how are you going to communicate with them? Read more...
It's really important to lay the foundation of your business before you even start. Here I talk about the second question you need to know the answer to in order to start off well.
Number 2: Who am I going to add value to? Read more...