Be careful what you wish for! I think we all know in business that there are highs and lows, busy times and quiet times, easy times and tough times, but what if all of these come at the same time!
I am coming through just such a season.
The last in our series of 'what you need to know before starting a business'. I hope you have found them useful so far.
Number 3: How will I communicate with my audience? Now you know why you are starting your business and you know who you are adding value to, now to ask the question: how are you going to communicate with them? Read more...
It's really important to lay the foundation of your business before you even start. Here I talk about the second question you need to know the answer to in order to start off well.
Number 2: Who am I going to add value to? Read more...
There are some things you need to know before starting a business. And these things might strike you as basic, but you would be really surprised by how many people call me to brief me on designing their branding, and they don't know these things about themselves or their business venture. Read more...
What does success look like to you? Success is a very personal matter. There is a common belief that it is about money, fame and power. I've been on a bit of a mission to redefine success in my life. Whilst we all would like more money it doesn't necessarily lead to a more fulfilling life. Read more...
Recently I was asked 'how do you balance life and work?'. This is a question I think a lot of us ask. And I think it is based around the belief that we must do it all – have the career, the partner, the house, the kids, the business, the car, the holidays etc and maintain a healthy life. Read more...
I'm on the look out for new projects; are you an energetic, visionary business owner? Are you looking to communicate more effectively with your audience? I have the answer for you...
I empower business owners to confidently communicate with their audience. Read more...
Happy St Valentines Day! I hope your relationships are richer for it. Especially your client ones. We have come to the end of 14 ways to love your clients. I hope you have found it helpful. Please let me know what you think in the comments below. Read more...
Be consistent. Being consistent helps to build trust. You build a relationship by consistently over time, every day, every week adding to the relationship. Keep turning up. Consistency creates reliability.
Don't underestimate the power of reliability. In a world where people are consumers and can be fickle, let's cultivate a culture of being consistent. Read more...