Today I want to talk to you about excellence. In everything you do, do it with a spirit of excellence. Excellence doesn't mean perfect, but it does mean doing things the best way possible with the highest quality.
Every business makes mistakes, how you resolve the issue will determine whether your client comes back or not. So even when you mess up have an excellence about the way you fix it.
Build a culture of excellence, where your staff are inspired to do their best and give their utmost in serving your clients. This isn't about serving their every whim but about being purposeful in the action and getting the best done within reason. When packaging your products, take time and care over them, ensure the packaging matches up to the quality of the item - Apple are very good at this. Everyone likes to receive gifts and it's even better when it is a joy to open because someone has taken the time to wrap it carefully.
Ensure your product or service is of excellent quality. Is there an area where it could be improved? How could you take it to the next level? Think about the customer experience you are offering (again Apple, very good at doing this).
Having excellence isn't only reserved for the 5 star, premium products, but all businesses have the ability to work with the value of excellence.