Be intentional! Yesterday I wrote about making time, quality time, for your clients and with that time I want you to be intentional. Really think about the relationship and how you can help them, how you can add value. Respect their time and don't waste it or yours.
Be intentional about how you look for new clients and how you interact with the ones you have. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions and walk away from clients who don't align with our values. Look at your clients and think 'Do they align with my values?' and 'Am I doing them a service or a disservice?'. And the next question is 'Am I still being intentional now that I have won them?'.
By intention I mean the purpose of the relationship and how you are adding value - It's more than just money. Having long term clients and repeat business is about a deeper connection and to get there you need to be intentional in your relationships. Build trust and respect.