Is it time to align your business? Perhaps you started out on a small budget, doing everything yourself to get your business off the ground, but now you're up and running your look and style don't reflect your core values or the person or business you have become. It's time to shape up, to bring everything into alignment, to be the best reflection of your business offering, and to best reflect you. After all you are your biggest selling asset.
Take a look at your literature, your site, your logo, does it spark joy in you? Are you confident it communicates your message, your story and your values?
If the answer is no, it is time for a rebrand. Here are a few things that can help:
- Write out your message, what is it you are trying to communicate with your audience? See where your current branding falls down. Pinpointing the elements that don't reflect you makes it easier to rectify in the long run. And being specific is crucial, otherwise you'll struggle to approve the next design as you'll have no boundaries to work from.
- Write out your values. They need to be clear and concise. No more than five. Less is most definitely more. Having these to refer back to during the rebrand helps to keep everything on track and make decisions faster and more efficient.
- Be vulnerable. Ask yourself tough questions. Am I being honest with my audience about my offering? How can I make it clearer? Don't be afraid to reveal the real you. People buy from people.
Please reach out for help and assistance with this process. Together we can build something beautiful that will give you confidence and enhance your business.
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Published by: Rachel Ganeshwaran in Branding, Business strategy