I'm often approached to do quick turnaround pieces. This one is a challenge for me as something that is done fast is generally not done well. When it comes to design I don't believe speed is a sign of experience. Creativity is nurtured, you plant a seed and you help it to grow and flourish and sometimes this can be a few hours and sometimes this can be a few weeks. This is a case of The Fast and The Furious: The fast (the eager client pushed for time) and the furious (me, due to the pressure applied by said fast client) are not a good mix. (You can probably sense my passion in this post).
Of course, there needs to be deadlines and experience tells me how much time one needs for the types of projects that come in. There is a pace and each project has its rhythm. I've learnt that things done fast always take longer and they very rarely turn out well. I think it's important to give each and every project its rightful time to allow the best possible outcome. If you are paying for it and you want it to reflect your business well, you'd like me to take a measured amount of time to ensure the best possible outcome? Here is a good Venn diagram to illustrate my point.
All projects are done within a set time frame but each has their allotted breathing space, time for ideas, creativity, analytics, development iterations in order to produce the best possible outcome for you and your brand so that you can walk away confident that your investment was worth it.
Good design work is considered, timely, effective, strategic creativity that is the best for you.
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Published by: Rachel Ganeshwaran in Business strategy, Culture, Lifestyle