Are your potential customers/clients forming the right opinion about you? What does your business ‘look’ say about your service or product? As it appears people make up their minds based on visual appearance it’s therefore important that you as a business owner are aware of your visual representations.
Here are some tips on making a good first impression:
- Present your self appropriately - just as you would wear a suit to an interview (or the attire that reflected your industry) or a uniform at work your business should be dressed to represent what you do. For example if you were trying to promote yourself as a high-end service you would invest the time and money into presenting your products and services as such.
- Be open and confident - It’s important you are confident about what you do as this instills confidence in your customer but this is followed by being open and honest. (People can be confident and not know what they are doing and do a bad job!). So for example be transparent in your costs, have testimonials that back up the work you have done and do what you say you are going to do, deliver on your promises. This all adds up to your brand image that you are trying to build. A page layout or logo can visually speak openness and confidence through use of colour and typography.
- Be yourself - as an individual as much as a business don’t try and be a second rate version of your competitor, be unique in your own right just as every person is different and brings something to the table so does your business. Focus on that and communicate that to your audience. What’s the unique selling point of your business? Don’t copy other peoples logo’s or designs, invest in a logo that represents you.
Your business has a personality and it’s important that you get that across in the first few seconds of meeting potential clients/customers. It can be incredibly hard to change it once it is formed. So have a check up on your visuals to ensure they are all synonymous with your message and that one item isn’t letting your business down