I didn't know what type of job that was or what it looked like but I loved the idea of connecting with people through ideas and concepts. When I was in year 7 (11/12 years old) my Dad took me to a design studio for the day, he left me there whilst he went to work (around the corner) from the moment I stepped in I knew this would be home. I loved the smell, the Apple Macintosh's, the sketching and the art working of concepts. Most of all I loved the atmosphere which was filled with laughter and jokes in a relaxed environment where ideas were passed around the room.
Three years later I returned to the same design studio for a weeks work experience. By now I was a little way into my Graphics GCSE and I had designed a few items for my local church and my Dad's business. The studio was just as I remembered it - the smell was coffee! I couldn't put my finger on it when I was younger but now I knew it was a designers best friend! I loved every day there and I got to design my final major project and learn a lot along the way. It was there that the idea of running my own business was cemented in my mind. This is it! This is what I want to do! Design, communication, interpret ideas, help companies to communicate better and build business!
From there I went on to do a BTEC National Diploma in Graphic Design to a BA Hons Degree in Graphic Design. I surrounded myself with like minded people, I loved college, finally I had met my people! I never got school but college, this was it, where creative people came together to have fun and design. University was a little stricter but the people made it an incredible place.
From there I went into freelancing and then into a corporate design role where I learnt the basics of print production and working with endless committees! Everyone thinks they know best. I left there and went to work at a design agency, where I learnt more than I think I will ever realise. But mainly I learnt how to run a small business and what was involved. I'm not saying I had the skill, I just observed. I was also in my twenties so I did have a lot to learn, I grew up quick there and decided to take the leap. I felt frustrated, I wanted to help businesses more, I wasn't sure how but I wanted to try and in my own environment was where I learnt best. Three years on and the business is still here growing little by little. My aim; to help businesses build a better business through branding and design.
Branding touches every touch point of your business, it's impossible to live with out it. Everyone has a brand whether they know it or not. What’s your story and how are you building your brand?