Today's value - Be the Solution.
What problem are you solving for your audience? Why would they want to buy from you? I'm not sure you have a business if you are not solving a problem. Most business owners before they start-up see a need and think 'I can meet that need, I can solve that problem and I can do it better'. What problem are you solving? The bigger the problem the more people are likely to pay to have it solved.
With solving a problem you are adding value to your clients' lives. You can also solve other problems they might have, perhaps they are looking for a new accountant or a dry cleaners you could recommend one (if you know a good one!). Take some time to get to know your clients (over tea and cake is always a good idea). Perhaps they are looking for a new employee and you know just the person. You don't always need to get something in order to give to add value. It will pay off in other ways. Just have a mind set that says, 'I am going to help and I will offer solutions where possible'. This will deepen your relationship and you may become the go to person for them.
Read The Go-Giver for more about this, which I write about more here.