Today's value is Deliver on Your Promises.
Too many businesses make the mistake of over promising and under delivering. Make sure your product is fool proof. Does it solve the problem your audience has and if not why not. Is your service meeting the needs of those it is trying to help?
Asking for feedback or reviews from you audience is invaluable. The number one question you should ask is - 'Would you recommend this product/service to others?' This is the best way to find out if what you are doing is achieving happy clients. If people aren't willing to refer you or recommend you, you are probably not delivering on your promises and your clients are feeling they are not getting what they are paying for. And at that point you need to find out why and change it. Otherwise you won't have a business or you will have an under achieving business. You are more likely to win more business if your audience refer and recommend you.
How many of us use products and services that have been recommended to us? Almost 60% prefer personal recommendations from friends and family and 70% read reviews before purchasing. Do you use services/products that haven't been recommended? Probably not. Deliver on your promise, meet your deadlines, fulfill your quota and you'll have repeat business and new business through recommendations.
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Published by: Rachel Ganeshwaran in Branding, Business, Lifestyle, Uncategorized